Associate Professor (Reader) of Computer Science
Director of Cyber Assurance Lab
Deputy Director of NCSC accredited ACE-CSE
Operational Lead of NCSC accredited ACE-CSR
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
University of Greenwich
Old Royal Naval College
London, UK
SE10 9LS
E-mail: m.khan [AT_DOMAIN] gre [DOT] ac [DOT] uk
Phone: +44 (0)20 8331 8522
Office: QM408 (Queen Marry)
I am an Associate Professor (Reader) of Computer Science at the University of Greenwich, UK. There I founded the Cyber Assurance Lab in the Centre for Sustainable Cyber Security (CS2) (previously ISEC - Internet of Things and Security Research Centre). Currently, I serve as an Operational Lead and Co-Founder of NCSC accredited Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR), and Co-Founder and Deputy Director of NCSC accredited Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education (ACE-CSE). I am also a visiting scientist at MIT CSAIL, USA and DARPA, USA. Also, I am a member of (i) an interdisciplinary Law, Emerging Tech and Science (LETS) Lab, UK, (ii) Formal Methods Europe -- an association for bringing world leading researchers and academics together including teaching of formal methods, and (iii) EASST -- an European Association for the Study of Science and Technology. I have received a MSc in Advanced Distributed Systems from the University of Leicester, UK in 2008 and PhD (Dr. techn.) in 2014 focusing on Formal Verification of Computer Algebra Software from the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Austria, both with distinction. I have also received an MSc in Computer Science from the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan in 2001. Before joining the University of Greenwich, I was a Lecturer in Cyber Security at Surrey Center of Cyber Security, University of Surrey, UK during 2018 and 2019. Prior to that I was a Postdoc at the MIT CSAIL, USA jointly during 2014-2016 and in SERG Group at the Alpen-Adria University, Austria during 2016-2018. My research has been recognised through (i) winning awards in the most premier research venues including CICM 2012, WF-IoT 2016 and ICS-CSR 2019, to name a few and (ii) winning and being part of mega research grants by distinguished international and regional funding agencies including Horizon Europe, H2020, HFRI, FWF and NSF/DARPA, to name a few. I am a member of IEEE.
My research interests are in:
I delivered an invited talk at the ASM2S Workshop, Greece.
I delivered an invited talk at the practical cyber security conference DeepSec, Austria.
Oct 2024I am honored to be an invited speaker at the International Conference on IT and Industrial Technologies (ICIT) 2024.
Our paper QADL: Prototype of Quantum Architecture Description Language is available on arxiv.
Sep 2024Our paper Towards Integration of EPANET and ASM2S to Enhance Security in Water Distribution Systems is published.